Tuesday, February 26, 2013


All students are currently participating in the educational gymnastics unit.  Last week students worked on rolling.  The rolls they practiced include: log, pencil, egg, stick, ninja and the forward roll.

This week we are adding jumping and landing.  Students are in mat groups with trampolines.  We are working on two feet take-offs and two feet landings.  This week we are also focusing on Gabby Douglas (the first African American gymnast to win a gold medal in the All-Around competition).  Students are watching a clip on the sacrifices her family made during her Olympic training.  Students will also see video clips of her performances.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Welcome to the blog!

Welcome to the blog!  Mr. Schirmer and I are the physical education teachers at Bridge Creek Elementary School.  We are excited to keep you up to date on the material being covered in class.  Please call or email us with any questions or concerns.